A rock show is an escape. A place to go to immerse yourself in the experience and forget about what’s happening out in the world. However, phones ruin that. It’s an umbilical cord to the problems outside the venue. You can’t escape work texts, stupid posts your Uncle puts on Facebook, and the urge to post photos and videos of what you’re experiencing. There’s no living in the now man. Well, Ghost is handling it.

Tobias Forge and his Swedish rockers have announced a world tour. And ever so small in the fine print, you’ll note the band will not be allowing fans access to their phones in the venue. All devices will be placed in Yondr pouches. All attendees will maintain possession of their phone and will be able to access it in designated areas.
Fans are split on this. Some say its a violation and an ego move by Ghost. Others(like myself) look at it as a freeing experience. Sometimes we just need to be told it’s ok. It ok to disconnect. Guilt free.
My wife and I asked nobody bring kids to our wedding. We were criticized by some. But we wanted people to relax. Of course we have no problem with other people kids (most of them). We wanted people to have fun without guilt. That’s what Ghost is doing. They’re saying it’s ok to live in the moment and have fun.
Of course, Ghost isn’t the first to do this. Comedians and bands have been doing this for years. Jack White and Tool are notorious for it. Listen, when you put on a stage spectacle like Ghost, you don’t want some shaky cam footage making it’s way out to the masses. You want it to be a special experience for those in attendance. Embrace it. Relax. Put your phone away and know that you have no other option. You might like it.
However, I will judge Ghost for one thing. Their touring schedule always misses Western Canada. Come on! Get it together.