Rock n’ Roll Still Dominates In History

If you listen to folks nowadays (myself included at times), Taylor Swift could be as big as the Beatles. Well, they (I) are wrong. For decades, the Billboard 200 chart has been the litmus test of popularity in music. Topping the chart is no easy task. Don’t get me wrong, Ms. Swift has topped it many times and likely will many more times. But rock n’ roll still stays on top.

Billboard has published a list of artists who have spent the most time at number one on the Billboard 200 and the Beatles lead the way. Here’s the rundown:

  1. The Beatles- 132 weeks
  2. Taylor Swift- 86 weeks
  3. Elvis Presley- 67 weeks
  4. Garth Brooks- 52 weeks
  5. Michael Jackson-51 weeks
  6. The Kingston Trio- 46 weeks
  7. Whitney Houston- 46 weeks
  8. Adele-40 weeks
  9. Elton John- 39 weeks
  10. The Rolling Stones- 38 weeks

Rock has some great representation here. A couple of things of note. Taylor Swift still has a lot of career left. I don’t know who “The Kingston Trio” is either and I have no idea how they’re on this list. And…where are the bodies Garth?


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