104.9 The Wolf. The Wolf Rocks

The Best Time To Be Born Was The Early 80’s. Period.

The Best Time To Be Born Was The Early 80’s. Period.

Jun 6, 2024 | 8:04am
This post is not a “these young kids today don’t get it” criticism. “Kids today” can take a look at this and maybe see where we come from. This is meant to make us grateful for being born at an awesome and unique time in history. A peaceful and simple time. Even if it wasn’t, […]
This is me, the last time the Oilers went to the Cup Finals

This is me, the last time the Oilers went to the Cup Finals

Jun 3, 2024 | 7:28am
It was 2006 and I was about to head to my first NHL playoff game. I lived in Edmonton for a few years while going to broadcasting school at NAIT so I usually made my way to a few games a season. But I knew this was going to be a different experience. The Oilers […]
I Feel Bad For The Edmonton Elks. I Really Do.

I Feel Bad For The Edmonton Elks. I Really Do.

Jun 3, 2024 | 6:41am
The Elks are set to celebrate their 75th anniversary this year. Exciting times. In fact, they are bringing former team greats to recognize the colossal achievements of the franchise this weekend as the Elks open things up against the Riders. However, things took a turn last night. You see, last night the Edmonton Oilers sealed […]
Websites you didn’t know you needed

Websites you didn’t know you needed

May 31, 2024 | 10:58am
I did it! I actually followed up on a blog series! This week’s website you didn’t know you needed it Flashmuseum.org This site gives you 1000’s of flash games and videos that have long since gone away. Or so you thought. Flash has been gone for over three years now and this site gives you […]
It’s not too late to plan your summer vacation!

It’s not too late to plan your summer vacation!

May 27, 2024 | 9:01am
There are two types of people in this world. Those who plan their vacations well in advance and those who wait until the very last second. I’m definitely the latter. It never fails, each year my wife and I wait until the last second to decide to do something and everything is booked. Well, great […]
Websites you didn’t know you needed

Websites you didn’t know you needed

May 23, 2024 | 8:34am
This is the inaugural blog of a new series of blogs that I likely won’t follow through with. There are so many website out there that we don’t know about. Some are useful, other are completely useless, but so many of them are fun! Today’s website that you didn’t know you needed is a bit […]
It’s Official. Canada Has A WNBA Team!

It’s Official. Canada Has A WNBA Team!

May 23, 2024 | 8:13am
It’s been announced that Kilmer Sports Ventures will be bringing a WNBA team to Toronto. It was announced at a press conference in downtown Toronto this morning attended by the Prime Minister, Drake, and members of the Toronto Raptors. The unnamed team will play out of Coca-Cola Coliseum starting in May of 2026. Coca-Cola Coliseum […]
The Squid Game wait is almost over

The Squid Game wait is almost over

May 22, 2024 | 9:14am
By almost, I mean seven months. It was just announced that season two of Squid Game will be released in December of this year! The original series took the world by storm back in 2021. It takes place in South Korea and follows Seong Gi-hun, a divorced father and degenerate gambler that is invited to […]
Are tacos sandwiches?

Are tacos sandwiches?

May 17, 2024 | 8:06am
An Indiana Judge has ruled that they are. Burritos, too! But this leads to many more questions. The age old one, are hotdogs sandwiches? Yes, they are. Are hamburgers sandwiches? Yes, they are. A donair is a sandwich, too. This one may be the most controversial opinion. Lasagna is cake. That’s it, that’s the blog.

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